Great, now KP broke Greer too….

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Jeff - We've watched so many incredibly talented writers come to the CJ to cover sports, stay just long enough to get to know us, and then move on to bigger pastures. But you stayed. Even when The Athletic came calling - it still felt like you were "ours". And then when you returned post-Europe/COVID and started the Floyd Street Tribune... Man that's been good stuff. Thank you for choosing Louisville.

Congratulations on finding peace in a decision and being able to move towards work that DOES bring you happiness. I look forward to whatever comes next. And just remember, when we ask "What channel is the game on, Jeff?" it is 100 percent because we love you.

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Jeff, thanks for the coverage of U of L and the basketball program. Your reporting and insight pulled me back into watching and enjoying U of L basketball, as well as other college basketball. Just last weekend I googled your name and Ja Morant as I wanted to re-read the article you had written years ago.

Your story about walking Freedom Hall with Denny is great, and I remember that article well as it brought back so many memories.

Best of luck with your future work and the growing family. So happy for you.

Thanks for everything thru the years.

All the best.

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Thanks so much for all of your wonderful work over the years. You’ve been my favorite UofL basketball writer from the time you took over at the CJ.

More importantly though, I’m so happy that you’ve made a decision that will bring more peace into your life. We could all use that. Continued blessings to you and yours Jeff.

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Sorry to see you go. I really enjoyed your content. You write in a very nuanced, reasonable way, that is no longer the norm. I wish you the best, and thank you for your outstanding work.

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Thanks for all your work through the years. I followed you to The Athletic and then here via subscriptions - the only two I've ever had. I hope you find a spark in something else.

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Thanks for a terrific newsletter! I’ve looked forward to your thoughts from the day I ran across the Tribune. As an old, retired lawyer I can empathize with what you are experiencing. The best day of my life was the day I walked away. No regrets. All the best for you and your family! Enjoy!

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You inspired me to start writing about college basketball, so I’ve directed anyone unhappy with that to complain to you. Seriously, always have enjoyed your stuff, best of luck.

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I have enjoyed your writing and the observations that you shared on 93.9 on occasion, and I wish you and your family the very best for the future. There's not enough peace in our lives and it is terribly important to find it whenever you can.

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Thank you, Jeff. Best wishes to you and your family.

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Thanks for your insights, observations and analysis, Jeff. I’ve been a proud TFST subscriber from the start and will always be glad I jumped aboard with the first issue.

I was surprised to read how you’ve struggled with writing because your challenge was never evident to me. However, I wish you peace with your decision and all the best going forward!

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Thanks for all the stories, Jeff. I have no doubt that I read most of the Louisville ones and few others too. I moved away from Louisville a long time ago, and it's stories like yours that helped me still feel rooted there. This last story is moving too. Modern writers often let their personal lives bleed into their writing, which you've done as well. It makes it all the more heartbreaking to "know" you a little and hear about what led to this fork in the road. I'll be sad for you to go, but I'm happy that you're choosing your well-being.

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I’ve always told my patients when I lose the joy and passion for what I do, it’ll be time to move on. Find a new spark. Maybe you already have. Have passion and find joy in being a great husband and father, but also find something that is uniquely yours that brings you that same joy. Godspeed

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You are a terrific reporter, but as a previous subscriber, I had noticed a waning of your enthusiasm. What about soccer? You love the sport, and Louisville is a soccer information desert. I find myself changing the tv station away from basketball, golf, NASCAR, etc. and watching Liverpool or ManU, or Arsenal. Keep going. Thanks.

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Always enjoyed your writing and insight Jeff. Your dedication to your craft wad apparent and very much appreciated. Best wishes Jeff. Take care of yourself.

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Hey Jeff,

Thanks for all the hard work that you've put into the newsletter. I have really enjoyed it and I hate to see it end. Glad to see the podcast is sticking around though.

Adrian H.

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