The Floyd Street Tribune: What if you're both right?
Inside: To hell with moral victories? But maybe the Kentucky and Syracuse losses were turning points? What's the answer?
Thanks so much for sticking with me through a difficult season. Promise I’m trying to keep things entertaining amid the struggles. Miss the previous newsletter? I wrote about the bizarro rivalry game against UK. For just $7 a month, paid subscribers receive each newsletter in full and have access to each newsletter via the main TFST page.
I did something horrible on Tuesday night: I ventured over to Twitter, a website I avoid at all costs these days. I deleted it off my phone. I hope you haven’t missed me too much, and I’m glad we have the newsletter to share our thoughts. Nevertheless, I moseyed on over to the Twitter dot com and what did I see? I saw fans arguing about a topic I’ve often wrestled with as a basketball writer.
Where’s the line between “moral victory” and “yeah, they lost but there was bona fide progress”?
The great thing about a Thursday morning newsletter after a Tuesday night game is that ol’ Jeff gets some time to noodle on what I’d like to write about. So, after 24 hours or so, I arrived at the conclusion that there is no line and everyone is right. Argument settled; let’s all go home.